Title is Your First Hook:

A Rose by any Other Name is Not Just as Sweet

Many moons ago, I noticed a peculiar similarity in the winning stories of many prestigious contests: they had catchy, wild, even outlandish titles, but they all had one thing in common. They intrigued.

I made a study of why each captured my attention, and I realized these writers were using an old sales trick I new very well: sell the sizzle, not the steak. They were using sensory keywords, mental conundrums, and emotional cues that piqued the curiosity of the mind and touched heart.

I created my own title exercise to duplicate the effect these winning titles stirred up in me as I read them. The very first story I used these techniques on? The story that became my winner in the largest talent search for speculative fiction writers in the world: Writers of the Future.

In this webinar, I’m going to teach you my methods that have helped me make professional sales and win dozens of writing contests since I began practicing this exercise.

You’ll learn:

1. How to instantly intrigue readers by citing a quirky, fascinating character.

2. Methods to tip off the reader as to where, when, and what the story will be about by engaging their minds with intriguing word choices.

3. Ways to turn those boring titles on their heads and sell the sizzle instead of the steak.

4. An arsenal of strategies in a wide variety of genres by studying successful stories and novels to discover why their titles resonated to global audiences.

Finally, in this webinar I’ll give you my Catchy Title Exercise and challenge you to write your own!

Learn this secret and you’ll impress first readers, professional editors, and esteemed judges before they even begin to read your story! I’ll even share what one New York Times bestselling author told me about titles and how it guided his selections in the prestigious international contest that he judged.

Knowledge is power. Learn how to create titles that intrigue and help you create winning stories! Take this webinar and learn the secrets of the pros!

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